
Welcome to the Hagiography Sourcebook.

In the last two decades, a great amount of online resources on hagiography have emerged. These resources are aimed at facilitating the work with and on hagiographic sources, which can be rather challenging at times. The Hagiography Sourcebook attempts to bring order to this diversity by collecting, organising and commenting on existing web resources. In doing so, the Hagiography Sourcebook can be a first digital point of contact for anyone interested in hagiographic research. At the same time, the project aims to promote networking within the hagiography community.

The primary objective of the Hagiography Sourcebook is to help you find web resources that facilitate source as well as literature re-/search. Moreover, it also wants to help you find websites that are concerned with networking with other researchers.

If you are missing a particular website, please, let us know! You can contact us here.

If you are looking for a specific era, language or social media platform, please consult the tags (on the right-hand side).

Image of the Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs (about 1423-24)

The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs (about 1423-24)
Author: Fra Angelico
Created: 15th Century
Tempera on wood, 31,9 x 63,5 cm cm National Gallery, London

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