Mie scattering by ensembles of particles with very large size parameters (Wolf & Voshchinnikov 2004)

Simulation of Mie scattering in case of arbitrarily large size parameters for

  • Single particles
  • Particle ensembles consisting of several components and particle size distributions


Calculation of

  • Elements of the scattering matrix
  • Efficiency factors / corresponding cross-sections
  • Albedo
  • Scattering asymmetry parameter


For a detailed description see Wolf & Voshchinnikov (2004)

Download Source Code:

[1] Original source code (as part of the corresponding article)

[2] Updated, currently advertised version of MIEX


Wolf, S., Voshchinnikov, N.V., 2004, “Mie scattering by ensembles of particles with very large size parameters”, Computer Physics Communications, 162, 113

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